5 sites nationwide


Csepel Head Office

Retail customers

Inter-Metal Csepel scrap metal office building

Corporate customers

Loading an alu beverage can into a container at a drip metal plant

North-West Hungary - Csorna site

Retail customers

Pile loading of scrap iron

Corporate customers

Rainbow at the Csorna scrap site

North-East Hungary - Polgár site

Retail customers

Balance house of Polgárd scrap metal plant

Corporate customers

Container used for iron collection in Polgár

Budapest and north and east of Pest County - Rákospalota site

Retail customers

Rákospalota scrap metal plant Inter-Metal

Corporate customers

acid-resistant chips priced in a heap

South-West Hungary - Szekszárd site

Retail customers

Szekszárd scrap metal plant Inter-Metal

Corporate customers

Roof of smiling alu drink box at Szekszárd site


tons of scrap processed per year


corporate customer


thousand km / year in collection


has been a major player in the market for years

Sews Hungary kábel hulladék partner
Hewlett Packard elektronikai hulladék partner
Media-Markt elektronikai hulladék fő beszállító
Magyar Telekom komplex hulladékkezelési szolgáltatások
Prysmian Csoport színesfém hulladék kiemelt partner
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